A Glass Act Artwalk was held last Thursday evening that had participating galleries demonstrating featured artists and their love of glass.
I invited some of the gallery artists to come and spend the evening with me demonstrating their art. Mary Heldenbrand does lampworking and brought some of her beads to wire wrap into fantastic pendants. Pat Hardy came with her latest glassworks and demonstrated her art of stenciling in preparation for sandblasting her decorative glass pieces. Kathryn Guler demonstrated her lampworking techniques in front of her torch. She displayed her fanciful glass beads, that included mermaids and lots of colorful floral beads. Last, and certainly not least, Terry Cook was on hand to explain and show enameling techniques - enameling is fusing glass to metal. The kiln was glowing hot - which looks good at night!
It was a lovely evening under the stars and being in the Kiva Center especially, because we get to listen to the fountain! It was great to share our art techniques to those that were on the Artwalk route.
Thank you for those that came by...
and a big thanks to my colleagues in art! It was fun and we managed to have just a few more people know where we are now!