I don't know about the rest of you but these last couple of years have been challenging with the recession, no money for enjoyment, and everyone feeling the pinch. I woke up one day and said that I was no longer going to live that way, I was going to make some changes. There are so many things on my plate, so many have to do's on my list of to do's, it gets so overwhelming sometimes. Even this blog, I couldn't believe that it's been so long since I've last written. But, here I am now and that's all that matters.
One of the changes that I did make in my life was to take my life in little bite size portions, chunks of things that I had to do. I called them my "small victories", because I believe that if I can fit enough of these into my day, that I will accomplish a whole lot more than feeling overwhelmed by it all and wanting to step out of my life, run away, and hide.
Since my commitment, I also decided that I would once again write in my morning pages as prescribed by Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. Finally, things have been turning around for me. I am actually signing up people for my classes, making sales in the gallery, and all the while enjoying my "small victories". When I start to feel overwhelmed by my life, I say, "small victories" and it settles me down long enough to accomplish something. Try it. I made a bracelet to remind me of my newfound motto!