Teaching requires some level of organization in going through each process thoroughly to make sure that I offer very good quality classes. I made this crystal necklace, not necessarily intending to teach a class in it. As I was creating this, I began to think that this might possibly make a nice class where students would have an interest, be excited about making this for themselves, and offer some variations to the design. It has to be easy, simple, and the student will be able to finish the whole project or the majority of it in the three hours allotted. That's what I look for in my potential class. Can the student with or without experience be able to do this? I prefer this method of coming up with a class.
My usual process of working up a class idea is much more involved. It takes me days to think of ideas, work the process up in the head, answer all my questions, think of any difficulties that might be addressed with new students, make the piece, have handouts printed up, market the idea, and get some students! And, keep the costs affordable.
My next class will be teaching this project. Lean to make wire links to join chunky crystal beads together. With all the links that will need to be made, by the end of class, you will be comfortable with bending wire and creating your own links. No clasp unless you want one. This one fits easily over your head. I'll offer this twice in September. Saturday September 10th 10-1pm, and Wednesday evening, September 21st 5-8pm. It'll be in my home, and the cost will be $40 for the class and $40 for supplies.
This is my featured jewelry piece today! I made a pair of earrings to go with it! I sell this piece for $125.00.
The last couple of days have been quite difficult with my limited computer technological skills, bumping into so many obstacles to get to where I want to go, is a frustrating experience to say the least. I can say, though, through all that, I still managed to do my walk in the morning. I've even added two sets of lunge walks, or "death" lunges is what I prefer to call them. It makes me so sore but I keep thinking that I'll be lean and svelte in just a few more days! Yuk! Yuk!
This morning, I did my walk and got rid of the ju-ju that's been mucking up my life. Came home and baked. Ahhh, most excellent! All is well with the world.
I made these Red Velvet Brownies. Thanks for the recipe Tammy. This is a bit unusual as the ingredients are not your typical red velvet ingredients. I used red beets and red beans! So I'll need some taste testers! When I try a recipe out for the first time, I'm putting some extra ingredients in and changing them out. I want to make some changes in this recipe, using fresh beets instead of canned. This one now, it's de'lish!