Monday, August 15, 2011

Ugly, Nasty, Crazy Day Turns Around

Do you ever have one of those days where something happens first thing in the morning and it has the potential to ruin the rest of your day? Unless you back off, slow down and turn it around yourself.

I woke up this morning, got dressed to go for my morning walk and stepped outside. Hey what's this? My sprinklers were going, the ones that I had turned off months ago because I didn't have anything growing there. What were they doing on? Oh well, I'll just deal with it when I get back from my walk. Then I noticed that the water was all the way down the street, I decided to follow it. Oh my, it had been running for a long, long time. So I cut my walk short, half an hour instead, and came back to the house. I unplugged my timer, that didn't work. I turned off a valve, that didn't work. But I saw another one and turned that off, that did work. Then I didn't have any water in the house. I remembered that I had turned the first valve off but not back on again when it wasn't the sprinkler. My next chore was to bag some yard trash and the bag broke. I wanted to hang a wind chime and my drill wasn't charged, tried by hand, but that didn't work. Okay. Time out! Sit down, take a deep breath, and change my day...

I fixed myself some steak and eggs for breakfast. That turned out well! I created my featured pair of earrings for my blog. Hey that turned out well too. Got a call from a patron and she stopped by to purchase a pair of earrings. Now THAT was an awesome thing.

I'd say, this IS a GOOD day!

My featured earrings are made of mixed metals, bronze and silver, on a niobium earwire. I'll be wearing this today when I'm out and about.

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