Today I tested out a new recipe for cookies. Green Tea Matcha Cookies! I love the taste of matcha green tea and what a great idea to combine them with a simple sugar cookie.
For years, I have wanted to bake a variety of things and be able to sell them at the local farmer's market - Another avenue of income! - but was stopped dead in my tracks when I learned that you have to have a commercial kitchen for any food prep. Pammy, my friend, called me one day to let me know that the Arizona Dept of Health Services just opened a branch for baked goods. I can bake cookies now in my home. I just have to have a food handler's card which I do, and keep my baking simple with my name, ingredients, and baked in a private home. Hey, that's do-able!
So today, I tested out one recipe. This is just the start. I want to come up with a fantastic tasting cookie, and I think this one is very very good! So in order for it to pass the taste test, I most definitely have to have some tasters. Hmmm, I am going to dinner tonight with Valerie. We're going to DOZO for sushi. Perhaps I'll be brave and see if Robert-san would like them. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. I know Valerie will be my guinea pig for sure. And, I'll see another friend tomorrow morning, Billie. She'll be up for it too!
I took this picture, quite proud of my uniform shape. Notice I just had to break a cookie for my own pleasure!
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